philosophy and sophis

Friday, September 24, 2010 · 0 comments
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philosophy and sophisphilosophy and sophis
do you know that religion is not philosophy and Sufi is not philosopher?

Philosophy is actually a logical statement produce
conclusions are valid in proving the truth.

Experts who have the ability to discover and develop such statement2
called "Filosof", or philosophers.

Conversely, there are more other experts who could misuse statement, for
conclusion is wrong and invalid who could produce a term"true",
and experts such as is usually called "Sufi".

Sufi a misleading conclusion that one for so true
can I demonstrated below:

Everyone was scared to death
God is determining when that person should die
In conclusion: Everyone should fear Allah.

From the statement first, second, to the conclusion it all wrong, but for
people of her religion required as proof of the truth.

If only the roof of his moslem baseball does, the problem is that,
craft due to Moslems, all people who are not so good victim
Moslems and also the Moslems themselves.

The problem was still there kind of philosophy, philosophy is only a term
means "find the truth", "prove the truth", and the same as
meaning with truth.

So depending on who the users, if his religion as a scholar named
"Islamic Philosophy", "Christian Philosophy", etc..

Though there is no such thing as true religion, and should not be
use this term, but because it's purpose to mislead and
religious propaganda, then they follow the scientist to call religion
them as "Philosophy" which means "truth."

Therefore, a pure of philosophy usually called "Philosophy of Science
Knowledge ". But it is also often misused for propaganda
religion, so now scientists no longer want to use the term
"Philosophy" but they named the "logic", because "philosophy" that
actual composition of statements as a proposition with a valid conclusion.

It was only with the term "logic" is rather difficult scholars scalp name of science
in propagating their religion, but still they try, so now
gives birth to a variety of deceptive logic that it was not logic
logical. way of misdirection is usually done by the "Sufi".

osis aliyah

Saturday, April 17, 2010 · 2 comments
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tanpa bermaksud merendahkan osis lain, osis aliyah juga harus berani menunjukkan gigi nya untuk maju kedepan menampilkan keterampilan, wawasan, kepandaian atau kecakapan yang lainnya. osis aliyah tidak boleh lagi dipandang sebelah mata hanya karena kita merupakan bagian dari institusi islam apalagi swasta. mulai hari ini dan detik ini juga marilah kita osis aliyah Al Muniroh bangkit dari tidur lelap dan keterpurukan kita menuju hari yang lebih cerah dan indah guna mencapai cita-cita kita.....amin...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 · 0 comments
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pelepasan peserta

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Bapak kepala sekolah sedang melepas keberangkatan para peserta rally oleh osis MA Al Muniroh di halaman MA Al Muniroh. Beliau juga tidak lupa memberi wejangan dan nasehat sebelum mereka melintasi rute yang sangat berliku-liku dan bertebing-tebing diantara tambak dan padang lumpur.

Rasa hormat setinggi-tingginya tak lupa kami haturkan kepada Bapak Kepala Sekolah MA Al Muniroh yang telah memberikan support baik moril maupun matriil. Semoga Madrasah Aliyah Al Muniroh semakin maju dan semakin bisa memberikan kontribusi kepada kemajuan pendidikan bangsa dan negara Indonesia.

guruku tersehat,guruku tersayang

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para guru pun tidak mau ketinggalan dalam acara lomba rally MA AlMuniroh. photo dibawah ni menjadi salah satu bukti otentik kemeriaahan acara tersebut. para guru tersebut rela meluangkan waktunya walaupun akhirnya tidak mendapatkan hadiah...ha..ha..kha!

Pak Rohman, terimah kasih atas dukungan engkau...jangan berhenti mentransfer semangat juang mu pada anak2 didikmu. Bravo MA Al Muniroh...!
Nb. sepeda yang dipake adalah bermerek poliklinik bukan polygon

pemberangkatan lomba rally

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detik-detik menjelang pemberangkatan lomba rally oleh osis Madrasah Aliyah Al Muniroh.
mas ekki dan mas encus sedang memimpin jalannya rally se kecamatan Ujungpangkah

sedang rapatttt

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ojo rame-rame...arek-arek panitia lomba rally sedang koordinasi lanjutan...

kreasi dalam wadah teknologi

Friday, January 1, 2010 · 0 comments
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sekedar pemberitahuan, blog ini kami buat bertujuan untuk membentuk jiwa-jiwa revolusioner para siswa-siswi madrasah Aliyah Al Muniroh. sudah saatnya kita berpikir tentang kemajuan masing-masing pribadi kita yang akhirnya otomatis akan memajukan sekolahan bahkan negara kita tercinta. mari kita mulai berkreasi dan menumpahkan segala ide gila kita melalui ruang blog seperti ini. semoga apa yang kita share disini akan terbaca serta menjadi inspirasi oleh anak negeri demi kemajuan bumi pertiwi.

salam hangat
osis MA Al Muniroh